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EHMI Security

General information regarding security for components in EHMI

It is possible to report and access data via a FHIR API. Web-services/RESTful-services, that are exposed via an interface, must, like other national web-services on the health area, comply with national architecture and national standards.

This means, among other things, that in case of personally identifiable information:

A strong authentication of users must take place (equivalent to NIST level 3-4 or NSIS level “significant”).

  1. Access control must be carried out based on national standardized information (attributes).
  2. Consent/rejection and treatment relation (dansk: behandlingsrelation) must be checked against the national consent service and the national treatment relation service (dansk: behandlingsrelationservice)
  3. Information about healthcare professionals’ access to personal data must be viewable by the citizen via MinLog.

The general and specific security about this is described in: Sikkerhedsarkitektur EHMI services v 0.98/Security architechture regarding EHMI central services v 0.98 (opens in new window)

Be aware that the document is written in Danish and that most part of the document is describing, how the general security model is working as the document later will be a more general model throughout national healthcare services based on rest. However there is an appendix, “Appendiks: Anvendelse af sikkerhedsmodellen i EHMI services”, where the focus is on the EHMI services described here. There is also translations in English of the appendix sub-chapters, these are placed in a security tab in the specific IG’s. Links will be provided in the sub-sides here as well.

General security definitions for components in the message chain

Following definitions for all systems/components in EHMI apply:

EHMI Core Security

EHMI Core Security is defined as

EHMI Delivery Status Security

EHMI Delivery Status Security is defined as

EHMI Addressing Service Security

EHMI Addressing Service Security is defined as

EHMI Endpoint Register Security

EHMI Endpoint Register Security is defined as


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Version of this documentation

The version of this documentation is: Version 1.0.0 You can find the release note of the version here.

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