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EHMI Delivery Status (EDS)

EHMI Delivery Status is defined as

EHMI Delivery Status is defined as

In general EDS clients can be either an EUA, a MSH or an AP and throughout the documentation the term “EDS Client(s)” will be used whenever it’s not important whether it’s one of them particularly. EDS Clients are like stations a train is arriving and leaving at, in this case just software applications.

In FHIR this kind of software is called a Device, which is a term that in fact covers a lot of different types of software and other patient support devices as well. EDS implements a EDS Client as a Device, which will be found in EER’s set of profiled FHIR resources.

What is registred in EDS

Registration is made on certain message-events happening in a message’s journay from the sender EUA to the receiver EUA.

The EDS Server and EDS Clients are expected to implement the user stories outlined here

Querying EDS

Besides EDS registrations, EDS also supports querying the registrations on the EDS Server.

Access for these queries is limited to delivery status registrations for messages which include registrations created by the EDS Client. That is, an EDS Client can access all registrations for a given message it has been involved in transferring from one EDS Client to another.

Senders EUA and receivers EUA can access all registrations around messages they have beden involved in as a sender or a receiver defined by their SOR-ID

Patients can access all registrations of messages which they have been the subject for.

An outline of the components of the EHMI Delivery Status can be seen here:

EHMI Delivery Status (EDS)
Figure 1: EHMI Delivery Status (EDS)

The whole specification for EHMI Delivery Status can be found here


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Version of this documentation

The version of this documentation is: Version 1.0.0 You can find the release note of the version here.

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