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Table of contents

EHMI Core Description

EHMI Core is defined as

EHMI Core specifies

EHMI Core Message Delivery and Document Sharing

The graphic shows and explains in plain text how the primary flow of a MedCom Message is from the Sender to the Receiver.

In addition to the primary flow, ehmiEnvelopeReceipt will be sent from the Receiver’s MSH to Sender’s MSH and FHIR Acknowledgements will be sent from the Receiver’s EUA to the Original Sender’s EUA.

EHMI Core Message Delivery and Document Sharing
Figure 1: EHMI Core Messaging and Document sharing


It is important to note that while the overall architecture seems to indicate a flow between the components in the architecture, there are also logical flows between components not directly connected to each other.

EHMI Layers
Figure 2: EHMI Layers

EHMI Core specifications

EHMI Core specifies two profiles, 1 for ehmiSBDH and 1 for ehmiSMP:


Policy_identifiers PEPPOL Transport Infrastructure ICT - Models Policy for use of Identifiers, Version: 4.2.0 PEPPOL-EDN-Policy-for-use-of-identifiers-4.2.0-2023-06-19.pdf
DKEDEL_PIV_CodeList DK_EDEL Code Lists - Participant identifier schemes v7.2 DK_EDEL Code Lists - Participant identifier schemes v7.2.xlsx
DKEDEL_TP_CodeList Danish eDelivery Code Lists - Transport profiles v7.2 Danish eDelivery Code Lists - Transport profiles v7.2
PEPPOL_SBDH12 PEPPOL Business Message Envelope (SBDH) 1.2 PEPPOL-EDN-Business-Message-Envelope-1.2-2019-02-01.pdf
DDS Metadata DDS Metadata-v1.0.0 DK_profil_metadata/XDS%20Metadata%20for%20Document%20Sharing.%20Danish%20profile%20v.1.0.0.pdf
DDS_Metadata- ValueSets DK-IHE_Metadata-Common_Code_systems-Value_sets DK-IHE_Metadata-Common_Code_systems-Value_sets.xlsx


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Version of this documentation

The version of this documentation is: Version 1.0.0 You can find the release note of the version here.

"EHMI® is the registered trademark of MedCom and is used with the permission of MedCom."