v. 1.0.0
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EHMI Delivery Status - Patient User stories

The following Patient User stories have been identified

Patient User Story.1

i. As a Patient
ii. Do I want to be able to follow the status of a shipment in relation to where it is in the flow?
iii. When a message is sent regarding me as a patient

Patient User Story.2

i. As a Patient
ii. Do I want to be able to contact a support function and ask them to find my shipment?
iii. When I know that a clinician should have sent a message regarding me as a patient to a recipient, but the recipient has not yet received it

Patient User Story.3

i. As a Patient
ii. I want to be able to get an overview of the status of all my shipments in terms of where they are in the flow in a given time period for the shipment (day, week, month)
iii. When I need to get a quick overview of all messages sent regarding me as a patient

Patient User Story.4

i. As a Patient
ii. I want to ensure that only AFS, MODT and REL besides me can follow the status of shipments on messages concerning me by “encrypting” personal identification
iii. When a message is sent regarding me as a patient

Patient User Story.5

i. As a Patient
ii. I want to be able to see if a message has been sent/is in progress
iii. When I have been informed that this should happen/has happened.

Patient User Story.6

i. As a Patient
ii. I want to be able to see if a message has been received
iii. When I have been informed that the message should have been sent

Patient User Story.7

i. As a Patient
ii. Do I wish to be able to give another citizen (e.g. relative) permission to view the dispatch status of communications regarding my medical condition via power of attorney?
iii. When I as a patient need to be supported by a REL or want to share this with a REL

Patient (PAT)









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Version of this documentation

The version of this documentation is: 1.0.0 You can find the release note of the version here.

"EHMI® is the registered trademark of MedCom and is used with the permission of MedCom."