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Specification of security regarding EHMI Delivery Status


Table of context

Security specifications regarding EHMI Delivery Status of messages

Security in relation to delivery status is divided into these different steps:

  1. EHMI Delivery Status is collected and posted to a repository.
  2. EHMI Delivery Status is retrieved by users via search and lookup services.

Registration calls to EHMI Delivery Status repository

From the Architecture Vision, we know that security around this is necessary partly so that the users will consider the service based on the collected data to be trustworthy, and partly because personal data is collected, since unique citizen identification (most often the CPR number) is part of the collected information:

Client security for Registration calls to EHMI Delivery Status repository

EHMI components Subtask Who
EHMI Delivery Status-component Authenticity: A component, that stores EHMI Delivery Status for messages must authenticate itself when accessing the repository. Sending system (EUA/MSH/AP)
Sending system (EUA/MSH/AP) Authenticity management: Implementation of signing Registration calls Sending system (EUA/MSH/AP)
EHMI Delivery Status-component Authenticity management: Verification of signature upon receipt. EHMI Delivery Statuscomponent
Sending system (EUA/MSH/AP) EHMI Delivery Status-component Integrity protection and confidentiality protection: Communication via secured transport protocol, e.g. TLS Sending system (EUA/MSH/AP) EHMI Delivery Status-component
Sending system (EUA/MSH/AP) EHMI Delivery Status-component Availability: Implementation of queue mechanism to handle that a connection may be down Sending system (EUA/MSH/AP) EHMI Delivery Status-component

Search and Lookup via services

From the Architecture Vision, we know that the service, who exhibit EHMI Delivery Status on messages, must comply to the same security requirements and rules as other services in the health area, cf. the Architecture Vision’s principle PT6. Therefore, several of the same already existing security mechanisms from other services should be used:

Since the service is exhibited and performed on a platform, that may have its own and more strict security politics than the general security politics in the healthcare area, these must also be observed if necessary.

Client security for EHMI Delivery Status – the specific technical details

After having crunched the general description of the security mdel in “Sikkerhedsarkitektur EHMI services/Security architechture regarding EHMI central services” the nitty gritty technical details can also be found in English in the EDS IG (opens in a new window)


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Version of this documentation

The version of this documentation is: 1.0.0 You can find the release note of the version here.

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