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Welcome to EHMI - MedCom’s Enhanced Healthcare Messaging Infrastructure

This is the homepage of the entire technical description and all the specifications of EHMI. Some may be described here, while others will be linked to from here. For instance, all HL7 FHIR Specifications is to be found in their respective Implementation Guides (IG) following the standard for publishing by HL7. Other specifications may be shared with our partners in the Danish Health Data Authority and therefore have a format that suits them as well.

To learn about the EHMI project as seen from a project perspective in Danish, please visit Kommunale prøvesvar på ny infrastruktur (opens in a new window)

In MedCom13, MedCom has a joint testing project ’Kommunale prøvesvar på ny infrastruktur’(‘HomeCareObservations on new infrastructure’), where MedCom’s two central modernization tracks; FHIR and EHMI, are connected and both the message communication and the infrastructure are modernized and tested in interaction. The modernization is due to the need to improve the quality of e.g. security, transparency, robustness and efficient, international digital message communication. The MedCom modernization is described further in MedCom13 here.

EHMI (Enhanced Healthcare Messaging Infrastructure) is built on eDelivery, which is the core of future message communication. But EHMI involves several additional elements and services compared to eDelivery, such as support of message sharing, improved handling of addressing via a health addressing service (EHMI Addressing Service, EAS) and delivery status (EHMI Delivery Status, EDS) (also called Track’n’Trace). ‘The Architectural Vision’ (DA: Målbilledet for meddelelseskommunikation på sundhedsområdet) forms the framework and guideline for testing EHMI. ‘The Architectural Vision’ can be read here.

EHMI Overall Architecture
Figure 1: EHMI Overall Architecture

For now, specifications published here at 01-04-2024 will focus on the Production pilot for EHMI and are therefore narrowed down to show only what is currently ready. Later in 2024 several more specifications and descriptions will be released on these sites and make the documentation more comprehensive.

Table of content for Production pilot for EHMI

Table of content for EHMI Specifications (published April 1, 2024)


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If you want to report an issue regarding this page, please report it at GitHub issues for EHMI®

Version of this documentation

The version of this documentation is: Version 1.0.0 You can find the release note of the version here.

"EHMI® is the registered trademark of MedCom and is used with the permission of MedCom."